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Writer's pictureHaleviyah Epstein

Wine, Work and Spam!

Ah, the Halloween season has come once again, my lovelies! And with that I have good tithings of fun, creativity and the counter-productive, dreadful imp we call: SPAM.

Let me just start with the good part: With the prologue wrapping up, I'm excited to jump into chapter one. We have an exciting storyline I'm itching to share. I'm also wrapping up some commissions on the side while I am fleshing out the last four pages of the prologue. It's not too much trouble, it actually helps me walk away from "Rose of Sharon" and plan the next move if I am stuck. That's the positive right now.

The negative is having to deal with spam email... email that is meant for my clients, not people that for some reason keep crawling back when I chased (or exposed) them to the point they got off the world wide web ages ago.

Now, I understand, we all get spam from time to time due to ads and what not, but when it comes from another person it's a different ball-game. I won't go into detail, but let me say that cleaning up the spam mail this person left is a major inconvenience (which is why I switched to ProtonMail (#notsponsored) But I highly recommend it if you are diligent on being organized, being sure your files are secure and also NO SPAM or HACKERS!). On top of said inconvenience, I find it stupid that it's all from the same person in a span of five minutes. But either way, know I have it sorted out this time in a more calm fashion. It's just another thing that can be easily dealt with with a few clicks of a button. No damage control necessary this time. This somewhat explains why I have been quiet the past few days, but again it's nothing bad or too major. We're still on for new commissions and new projects. "Rose of Sharon" is still going strong too, and one person flooding an inbox isn't going to stop the beast.

In the mean time, here's a picture of Selma (original character from "Rose of Sharon") probably working harder than I am right now. I mean the fact how she handles petty things by letting the water roll off her back and focus on real battles puts me in my place. Thanks to you, the reader for your patience and understanding! I'll keep working hard, and take every day at a time!

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