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Writer's pictureHaleviyah Epstein

Don't Just Pray, ACT!

Keep #Ukraine and #Taiwan in your thoughts and prayers, guys. But I also encourage for us ALL worldwide to demand for those responsible for this to be held accountable.

Demand resignations, recusals, or impeachments CIVILY.

This is not about what's conservative, liberal or moderate anymore. This is not about who believes in G-d or not anymore, or who supports what.

This is about us fighting against powers that want to end/abuse us all for unspeakable reasons; We've seen what happened in #Australia and #Canda it's beyond obvious now. The real axis power is not a country or a group of countries, but rather a will/zeitgeist based on Pride; self-preservation. But let's not be afraid. Let's show them we are strong.

I understand so much is happening at once, I don't blame anyone for feeling down at the moment; but my advice: self-condemnation and worry is the last thing we need. Keep steady. Don't stress. Don't give into the "fear-porn".

Another piece of advise, when it comes to looking for adequate representatives, judges, or community leaders in general, do yourself a huge favor:

  • Don't fall for the sweet talkers.

  • Don't put in someone who holds a Bible high while dishonoring the Constitution of the United States.

  • Don't trust anyone who rides on emotion or the victim mentality just to gain your trust or approval.

  • Don't be quick to listen to a man who speaks much and does nothing.

  • Don't look for a Messiah...

  • Don't look for someone who just encourages you to stay in four walls and wish the hell away with tithes and smiles.

Look for someone who willing to fight WITH YOU, not just for you or against you. Look for someone who is willing to heed to checks and balances, and is thankful when you rebuke them. Look for someone who is quick to listen and analytical and open to challenge to status quo.

Hope this helps for this coming November.

And mind you guys, and I'm not saying this to kiss ass I'm saying this for sake of reminding the world things are different compared to 80 years ago - ISRAEL is around.

Small Side Note:

My work and updates might slow down for coming week. If I find anything that might be helpful for you all or others, be sure I'll be back and share on my social media platforms and here.

Be blessed, be wise, be vigilant and please, PLEASE look out for each other.

<3 Much love!

- Haleviyah

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