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Writer's pictureHaleviyah Epstein

Commissions and Questions!

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Hello, my dears!

Another months is upon us and once again I am back in the swing of doing commissions again. With that comes a few interesting questions here and there.

Today, I will share some two common asked questions that have come up recently and I am thankful for receiving.

1) What constitutes a small animal?

Simple answer: Anything shorter than a horse (or specifically shorter than a Clydesdale/Belgian Work Horse), is considered a "small animal" in this little business (less than six-feet at the shoulder or 16-18 hands for my zoologists out there).

So if you want me to draw a lion or panther, that would be considered a "small animal" due to them being shorter at the shoulder compared to a horse.

As for mythical creatures, that really depends on how big you want them. If you want a cat-sized griffin then I'll arrange to charge you for a "small animal" option. But if you ask for a Japanese Dragon or a rendition of the Fox Demon from "Naruto", that would definitely be considered a large beast. I hope that clears up some questions.

Just keep in mind, the bigger and more intricate the design of the creature is, the longer it will take to create an image of it. (I charge by the hour).

2) As for romantic couples in scene, how "far" can we go?

Ah! Good question.

I would be lying if I said I did not debate myself over this but... the best way I can describe it: There are a dozen factors that contribute to me either taking or dropping the project that includes, but they aren't limited to WHY you want it done and HOW you want this sensitive scene executed. To put in short it depends on the person's intentions that - mind you - for me are easy to read.

I believe this bleeds into the writing-101 rule of "show don't tell". As in, give hints they did the deed, but don't tell me how they did it. You see where I am going with this?

To put it in plain American English, I'll do the scene just so long as it's not "graphic" and carries the integrity of intimacy (unless something happens in the middle of it...). Like I said, I'm not PornHub and I don't make cash off of sexual favors.

I don't refuse such graphic or extreme NSFW-commissions because I am prude or have a Christian up-bringing or the fact I am being observed by Judaic communities to a degree, but mainly due to the fact I honestly do not have experience in the subject matter.

I specialize in character design and development with story and world building experience. My main genres are non-fiction and fantasy. So if the any scene obviously adds to said character development and/or a key element in the story, then fine. Let's do it... but let's keep it classy and have some self-control.

Yes, I know I said I'm okay with nudity, but that can turn into a completely different story/debate that bleeds into other subjects such as cultural elements (which are a huge factor in story building and character development, mind you).

In short, keep in mind I am also a writer and have been trained by OTHER writers and animators. I can tell the difference between a fetish and genuine story telling. I know how both parties think because for a period I was either of them and I have learned from both what to do and what not to do. And I understand in today's zeitgeist with people competing of who can be the most "provocative" for clout, I choose to be a little old school and have some self-control here.

On a side note, I will share I am a fan of leaving the audience to imagine the rest, and trust me from one writer to another: "teasing" the audience is WAY better than "pandering" to the audience. It leaves them guessing, theorizing, wondering, and coming back for more... but that's a fun discussion for another day.

(Maybe I'll make a blog about writing but who knows. LOL)

Anyways, I hope that helps a bit with what to expect when working with me here. Here are the prices and offers for this month. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

I look forward to hearing from you guys soon, please be smart, be wise and love one another.

- Haleviyah

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