Good day everyone (or evening, where ever you may be reading this.)!
As September draws to a close and the seasons are changing, I have a few announcements concerning my commissions and my current projects here.
As you may know this past month I have been hit with piles of comic commissions. I have been able to execute character commissions while working on those, however the comics backed themselves up to the point that I could not take anymore. So I will be making adjustments this coming month.
These changes for comic commission are but not limited to how many pages per order, how many people can order at a time and changes in prices.
Side note: The reason why the changes in prices are happening is just to regulate demand. Nothing personal.
For those of you who already ordered before October 1st, and you're doing one downpayment after another, the price will remain the same. For those who make orders after October 1st, these changes will apply.
As for character commissions, there will be holiday themed options so keep an eye out for them!
Also, another thing I want to add in is that I am considering just doing background or landscape commissions as well as assisting in comic script writing. Just a couple of ideas brewing is all.
Comic Series: "Rose of Sharon"
Despite I am not featuring the comic itself here, I have been working hard on this project since it's relaunch on January 25th, 2021. At first I was afraid of how the audience would react since my husband and I have made the writing more "down to earth", divorced any religious influence on the storyline and made the scenes more relatable. However, to my surprised the audience has been able to understand clearly the quiet parts and equally enjoy the interactions. This is a huge plus - the plus we've been waiting for - and also tells us that so far the story is working, not to be braggadocios.
Sure, it takes more time to plan each page and chapter more diligently now that we are more conscientious of how to execute each scene, but it's totally worth the extra time and patience put into it. Therefore, with that being said, production is going great!
Other Galleries
I have been flirting with the idea of making my galleries bigger and have more of a variety in the coming future - both somber and joyful ideas, just to let you know. At least a booklet's worth of ideas just waiting to be introduced to the world. But for now, I'm just going to sit on them and wait for a good moment to release them.
However, the current condition of my home community is tempting me to do something a lot sooner.
Inspiration coming?
Other than that...
Production as a whole is going great. Ideas brewing and working hard as usual, but don't worry coffee breaks and some movie nights are no stranger to me. I'm making sure I don't burn myself out this time and I'm resting as much as I can despite how much I love being in the vibe of drawing.
With this being said, be on the look out for more features and updates for commissions!
OH! And before I forget!
I fixed up the mobile version of this website, so any feedback of how I can improve the navigation and experience for you, don't hesitate to send me a message! I'd be glad to hear from you.
I hope you guys are doing well, stay safe, be smart and remember you are worthy and loved no matter what. I'll be here drawing away.